Oh my gosh...entrepreneurship is so full of highs and lows. Outside of sports, I can think of no other near constant emotional swings. Maybe when you have a child in the NICU - that's quite a roller coaster as well.
Prior to starting KreweCar, I had a new idea every day. And still do really. Now, I just realize what goes into taking something from an idea to an actual business and trying to get it off the ground and scale and all the millions of things that go along with owning a business. I'm still a dreamer and always will be. But, I think I've also become more realistic. I know the stress and heartache that comes with entrepreneurship so my ideas are often just that. I know that this is not the time to do anything else but KreweCar. I want our customers and drivers to know that I think about them and this business ALL THE TIME. I am constantly working to make travel and transportation with us a good experience. We want people to rely on us. We want families to be able to travel lighter and not worry about logistics and car seats. It's not always perfect...but I hope our customers know it's not for a lack of effort.
Things are busy in New Orleans for us right now, and this is very exciting. Also exciting is that we are open and accepting rides in Nashville. My husband is the certified car seat technician on our staff. He is on his way back from Nashville where he was helping out with the many things that need to get done there...hiring, finding a storage unit for car seats, training drivers, doing rides. He also has a full time job that is not KreweCar related. We are all committed to the cause. We are deeply appreciative of all of you that have booked rides with us. I see each and every name and am so grateful for your support of my big dream. It's a lot of work, sacrifice and discipline but worth it.
If you are traveling to or from Nashville or New Orleans, be sure to look us up.
